The Provincial Council of Bizkaia and the City of Bilbao spent EUR 550,000 on the MTV concert in San Mamés
  • The Deputy for Economic and Territorial Development of the Provincial Council of Bizkaia, Imanol Pradales, has announced the expenses arising from the MTV concert held on 3 November at the San Mamés stadium in Bilbao.
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Crystal Fighters San Mameseko kontzertuaren aurreko entseguan.

The concert by Muse, Crystal Fighters and Berri txarrak cost more than half a million euros and was paid equally between the City Hall and the Council of Gipuzkoa.

Pradales has also explained that the biggest expense that the concert has entailed is that of the roof installed to the field. This deck was placed to protect the green area of San Mamés, and subsequently the playing ground had to be modified.

In addition, the honourable Member explained that other minor costs related to stadium safety had also to be paid.

The concert, organised as part of the European MTV Awards, brought together 35,000 people and tickets were sold at five euros. Therefore, only 31% of the money spent on the sale of tickets could be recovered by public administrations.