The weekend is celebrated a popular meal in the Txantrea to prevent the expulsion of neighbor Moussa
  • The expulsion order is a threat that Chantre Moussa has on his back. Neighbours and neighbours have come together to help cope with the process.
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More than a hundred Chanterians congregated around the giant paella on Saturday. The objective of the meeting was to raise funds to deal with the judicial procedure opened in solidarity with the local neighbour, Moussa. Moussa is in the trap of the system. Despite having lived for three years at the Txantrea, he still does not have a job, nor a role to get a legal job. "He has been living in Pamplona for three years in an irregular administrative situation," explained in Euskalerria Irratia the blackmail Isa Egiguren, "in the first three years they cannot work and many of the people who are in this situation tend to sell their faux suits in order to make money. Moussa has two complaints about this and that can cause him to be expelled to Senegal."

The threat of expulsion is already on the table, as well as the possibility of a great fine being paid. While the Txantrea have come together to raise funds to pay for the trial and the lawyer, the giant company Nike asks you to pay 1,300 euros for selling imitation shoes. EUR 1,300 in the Nike budgets…drop of water at sea for them, a serious problem for Moussa.