The aesthetic of morality in a bag
  • If you kill a cockroach, you're a hero. If you kill a butterfly the bad one. Morality has aesthetic criteria. That is what Friedrich Nietzsche said. Today the aesthetics of morality have been mistaken; I do not know what I would say today, a century and a half later, the German philosopher, but in the name of morality – those they have – and above all aesthetics – almost all – we are able to do anything, until we do something else.
Jakoba Errekondo 2023ko urriaren 09a

We laughed, yes. We are nature lovers, we love the environment, but we will force our daughters to live in a world that suffocates trash, has no slits to breathe, and has an insatiable thirst for the water that we leave them for their whole lives. We will die our daughters. We have only to look at what we do. An example.

Luartoki-type bags. You will increasingly use more bags that are fit to look or compostable. The use of this bag also gives a point of joy… “I do not use that material that is the most devastating world of my dreams.” You're the hero who kills the cockroach. “This other is a soft, soft, sweet, simple and environmentally friendly material.” Yes, and the more bags you use, take care more…

A lot of research is being done on these bags. Once the researchers of the Spanish CSIC have recently directed and published in the Journal of Hazardous Materials, they place these bags of luarthroquia in place. Pollutants are said to be large, both because of the evidence of the hidden toxic components used in their generation process, which are perfectly patented and cannot be published, and because of the pieces of waste they generate as they are eliminated.

Currently there is a wide variety of bags to look, made with corn, potato, fibers, etc., but it is necessary to know their trajectory. It is said that in the lucernaries of the house they do not dissolve correctly, they are only eliminated in the industrial slump. The remedy is not so difficult: bags in touch, not so reusable or paper…

Let’s think of our daughter who, as her friend Antton of Getaria said, “this is the end of the world,” we were working on the repatriation of the Biblical raised in the rest of the afternoon. From the world, it's put into a bag.