The Basque Competition Authority studies the contracts between Montai and the City Hall of Hondarribia
  • The authority investigates the contracts between the company headed by Jeltzale Aitor Elorza and the municipal government of the PNV of Hondarribia between 2018 and 2021.
Bidasoaldeko Hitza 2021eko urriaren 29a
Karpen muntaketa lanetan “gainkostuak” ere salatu dituzte.

The Basque Competition Authority has initiated an investigation into the contracts of Montai company with the municipal government of the PNV of Hondarribia. The information has been disseminated by the state media, which explained that the contracts that have been investigated are between 2018 and 2021. The environment has specified that the irregularities concern both cultural and sports activities and social and cultural events. According to the information published, the investigation does not provide for the imposition of a dossier of penalties, but will make "recommendations to ensure transparency in public procurement" by the local government.

The clarifications about the hiring of the Montai business group have been denounced on numerous occasions by different political parties. The municipal group of Abotsanitz, for example, made several complaints and put the case in the hands of the Prosecutor’s Office. The Prosecutor's Office, for its part, acknowledged "irregularities in the continuing recruitment system" of the Montai group and considered that it did not present any evidence of crime in the case.

The allegations against Montai also transcend the borders of Hondarribia and reach the Gasteiz Parliament by EH Bildu and Elkarrekin Podemos (EP). Both parties met in the Basque Parliament’s Finance Committee to investigate the contracts of the City of Hondarribia with the business group Montai.