Monroe 2.0 Doctrine
Iñaki Etaio Alonso 2023ko otsailaren 08a

Laura Richardson, head of the United States Southern Command, took a minute to explain the nature of American imperialism in a simple and clarifying way. Although there was no echo in the media of the system, as expected, the interview on 19 January is on the web. After discussing the challenge of the participation, security and prosperity of relations with Latin America and the risk of influence from China and Russia, he “took land.” In fact, he cited the lithium triangle (Argentina - Bolivia - Chile), oil, minerals and rare lands of Guyana and Venezuela, the Amazon and freshwater reserves. Then he closed the minute emphatically: “We have a lot to do. This area is important. It is intimately linked to national security and we must increase our game.”

These uncomplicated expressions illustrate the relevance of President Monroe’s 1823 speech, a doctrine centered on “American”, adapting the term “American” to those adjacent to the Anglo-Saxon colonizers. What was warned by prospective pioneers such as Simón Bolivar or José Martí was clearly demonstrated. The Monroe doctrine remains fully alive and a clear name: imperialism (although many temptations after the truth say that the use of these terms is obsolete…). Just two centuries later, EE.UU. continues to regard Abya Yala – Latin America as a “backyard”.

Latin America and the major events in the Caribbean cannot be understood outside this strategy of Yankee imperialism

The formal boundaries of the EE.UU. They extend beyond 1823, occupying the northern areas of Mexico and, through the conquest of the “wild west”, confining the native peoples in reserves and stealing their lands. This massacre operation was the inspiration for Hitler, the III. For Reich, with the aim of conquering the vital space in Eastern Europe. Two centuries later, they have come much further from America: from the establishment of the first military base at Guantanamo in 1903, to hundreds of military installations in at least 80 states today (250-800, according to the source, some secrets).

They are spread around the world in strategic points, both to capture specific natural resources and to surround their main enemies (the agreement these days to access the four military bases in the Philippines is in that logic). NATO, AUKUS and other military alliances respond to this desire to maintain global leadership, including the party being played in Ukraine. The Monroe doctrine has become “The World for Americans.”

This doctrine, formulated before the European colonial powers, has long been directed at China and other powers. “This is my field. Don’t enter.” Also, as could not be otherwise, focused also on the “internal enemy” of the “backyard”, materialized over a long century with blood: military interventions, coups, generalized repression with excuse against communism… Although the reality is complex and the interests of some actors cross, the main events that occur in Latin America and the Caribbean cannot be understood outside this strategy of Yanky imperialism. Neither in Bolivia, nor in Peru, nor in Venezuela, nor in Brazil…

Although the European colonizers have long been torn down, the “Great Homeland”, which so many American revolutionaries have fought for, is still far away. In view of the interference of imperialism and the interests of local oligarchies, the integration of peoples is an indispensable path for the second and final independence.

The need for integration is catching up, the CELAC summit in January is one of the examples

Integration had a very clear impetus at the beginning of the 21st century, thanks to numerous projects and areas of collaboration launched at the initiative of Chávez: ALBA, Mercosur, Unasur, Telesur, CELAC... However, the combination of many elements (internal difficulties and contradictions, the attack of economic elites, the hybrid war of U.S. imperialism…) led to the recovery and reintegration of the bourgeoisie. It seemed that the initiative went from ALBA to the Lima Group.

Today, socialdemocracy to government in some important states has slightly changed the perspective. The need for integration is catching up. The CELAC summit in January is one of the examples in which the Argentine and Brazilian authorities supported the promotion of their own currency for Latin America and the Caribbean. The development of this new integration attempt remains to be seen.

The narrow electoral wins of these social democratic parties and alliances and their political weakness are evident, far from the control of the economic, judicial, media and institutional powers of violence. Internal contradictions and setbacks, such as Boric's repressive attitude towards the Mapuches, are also evident.

In this Europe aligned with U.S. imperialism, let us be attentive to the disinformation and propaganda of the imperialist strategy

Above all, if something is clear, it is that the real sovereignty and development of peoples can only come from a socialist project. And this is built from the bottom, from the organization and struggle of the people. That is the only guarantee that the transformative project will advance, that left-wing governments can take courageous measures and remain in political power in the face of the attacks of local oligarchy and imperialism. Amendment can also only be achieved from a joint project for the whole area.

Competition is not easy. World supremacy is at stake and Latin America is the key field of this game/war. The head of Southern Command announced that interventionism will increase. There may be more coups and more direct military interventions. In this Europe aligned with U.S. imperialism, let us be attentive to the disinformation and propaganda of the imperialist strategy and to the firm support for the struggles of the peoples of Abya Yala. As they overcome the Monroe doctrine, the imperialism that dominates us by the rest of the peoples will be weakened.

Iñaki Etaio, Askapena's militant.