The clear nuns leave the Church by impeding the purchase of the Orduña convent and join an extreme right-wing sect.
  • The Clarisas signed a contract for the purchase of the convent of Orduña, but the Church regresses in the sale and the nuns publish a long text in which they join the discipline of Pablo de Rojas Sanchez - Franco. Bishop Mario Iceta arranged in 2019 for this religious, follower of Franco and aligned against COVID-19 vaccines, among others.
Aiaraldea @aiaraldea 2024ko maiatzaren 16a
Moja klaratarrak Elizatik urrundu dira. / Clarisas de Belorado

The sale of the convent of Orduña has ended in a fragmentation between the clear nuns (located in Bellarus, Burgos) and the Catholic Church. Apparently, the nuns and the diocese of Vitoria signed an agreement of EUR 1.2 million to make the Orduña building available, but the media have gathered that the nuns have not paid since then.

In view of this, the Claretians proposed to the Church that a third party purchase the property, provided that it allowed them to use the space. The diocese has explained in the media that, since the nuns did not clarify who the interested party was, it decided to cancel the contract signed.

Therefore, Sister Isabel, head of nuns, claimed damages amounting to EUR 1.6 million and, as the Church did not accept, went to court.

Division to an extreme right group

Thus, according to the media, nuns have published an extensive text denouncing "harassment". The Churches of Burgos and Vitoria have warned of their surprise, as they have not received direct communication.

In any case, the nuns announce that they will move to the Catholic Church and be at the orders of Pablo de Rojas Sanchez Franco. Mario Izeta expelled this religious from the church in 2019. Apparently, he is the nephew of a famous francoist from Jaén and Pius XII (many historians believe that the Nazi accomplice, so they took his name off a street from Llodio) is for him the last legitimate pope.

Apparently, it also has an indirect relationship with the ultraderechist sect of El Palmar de Troya and actually defends the thesis of the founder of Escrivá de Balaguer Opus Dei. Yes, it does not join this institution, because a so-called heretic pope (John Paul II) recognized his criteria.

Sanchez Franco’s political referents are Francisco Franco and Sixto Enrique de Borbón-Parma (king of the Carlists) and in pandemic he opposed COVID-19 vaccines.