Translation Miren Iriarte Oyaga dies
  • He has translated several literary works into Basque and Spanish. At the age of 44, the Navarro translator dies.
2022ko abuztuaren 10
Miren Iriarte, eskuinekoa, Erein eta Igela argitaletxeekin plazaraturiko Proleterka esku artean (Argazkia: Erein)

Navarro Miren Iriarte Oyaga, who has translated books of renowned international authors, died on 9 August. Among other things, in 2018 he brought Euskera Proleterka from the Swiss Fleur Jaeggy and Ihesi from the Italian Elena Ferrante and what remains in 2016.

As for the translations of works written in Euskera, Iriarte Oyaga has also translated the story of Danele Sarriugarte, of Erraiak and of the latter within the project "Drafts and then". I believe him in Samara Velte and from the Throat against Uxue Alberdi: the testimony of women bertsolaris has also been castilized.

Since 2001, and for fourteen years for the City of Pamplona, he had previously worked in journalism. Bachelor of Journalism from the University of the Basque Country (2000), Master of Translation from UPV/EHU and Postgraduate Studies in Literary Translation from Pompeu Fabra University.

He was also active in the Association of Basque Language Translators, Correctors and Interpreters EIZIE, among others, since the Board of Directors in the years 2013-2014.

In February last year, Elena Ferrante interviewed the media specialized in translation. At 44 years of age, the Navarre translator has given the last pulse.