Public reading of the book 'Miñan' on Saturday in Donapaleu
  • A hundred young people from the region of Amikuze will make a public reading of the book Miñan (Susa, 2019) by AMETS Arzallus and Ibrahima balde in the cinema of Donapaleu, from 9:00 a.m. to noon. A recital and a talk on migration have also been organized.
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Public reading will take place in Donapaleu’s cinema on 16 October, and the Zabalik Association has called for people to come and listen. Zabalik has organised the initiative together with the Solidarity with Amikuzen immigrants partnership on the net. The book Miñan, written by Amets Arzallus and Ibrahima Ball, sincerely and forcefully narrates Bald’s trajectory from central Africa to Europe, delving into the obstacles, risks, threats and memories of its places of origin.

At noon, coinciding with the snack, the performance "Migrazioa kantuz" (The migration singing) will be performed. On this occasion, they will perform a sample of songs that have to do with our migration to the song.

Next Friday, October 22, at 20:30 a.m., a talk on this topic will be held in the green classroom of the Donapaleu house. The programme will be attended by Amets Arzallus and a witness from the Etorkinekin network, who will explain the details of the reception of young migrants and adolescents. The Elkartasuna Amikuzen association will also make its work known.

The Zabalik association has pointed out that these acts “are a good opportunity to discover one of today’s largest massacres worldwide and to reflect, in our small city, what gestures of solidarity we can organize from here”.

Miñan, as audiobooks

In addition, the editorial Susa published this week the book Miñan, in audiobook format, to the voice of Amets Arzallus. You can hear it in the following link: Audiolibrio Miñan.