A military group hits Christmas after the elections
  • After the death in 2009 of former president Omar Bongo, his son Ali Bongo became president. The Bongo family has been in power since 1967. The last elections were held on Saturday and Bong won again among the allegations of fraud.
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The military team is presented as “Institutional Transition and Restoration Commission”. In their television appearance, the military denounces the “institutional, political, economic and social crisis” of the country. They have closed borders and dismantled all the institutions. “The elections have not guaranteed the conditions for a clear, credible and inclusive vote,” the military said. In Libreville, the Christmas capital, several people are on the streets to show their support for the military.

The coup took place following the denunciation of electoral fraud by the main opposition candidate Albert Ondo Ossa Bongo. The elections did not have international observers and the schools opened late. In addition, after the elections, the police cut off the internet connection and issued the order back. This is not the first time the electoral complaint has been made: Also in 2016, opposition Jean Ping denounced the fraud and in 2019 was a coup attempt against Bongo.

International response

Olivier Veran, spokesman for the French Government, condemns the coup d’état. France has 400 military and important economic interests at Christmas. The European Union has stated that the coup will bring Africa “greater instability” and has expressed its “concern”. Countries such as the United States, Russia or China have shown their "concern".