On Tuesday, the sentence was released against five young people from Lapurdi, convicted of belonging to Segi. Fifteen months in prison for reversal to two young people, with a fine of EUR 500 each; 140 hours of forced labour and EUR 500 fine to two other young people; and, finally, EUR 1,700 for the other young person. If all this were not enough, they have also been banned from attending demonstrations, which is the most serious of all. To this must be added the follow-up and records carried out for months, which have been carried out by the SIRASCO (Information, Intelligence and Strategic Analysis Service against Organised Crime) research.
Analyzing all the convictions of the sentence, the conclusion is clear: it is a judgment against the political militancy, which aims to end the political commitment of these young people. No wonder. In fact, the five young Labortans have been tried by militancy and convicted as militants. It must therefore be made clear: this was a political judgment. Proof of this is that, instead of being judged by a specific fact, they were tried for participating in numerous demonstrations and political acts. Therefore, even though the evidence presented was presented, the sentence was written and the sentence should consist of leaving these political militant youths out of play.
The French Constitution provides for freedom and the right to demand and bring about the association in France, provided that it does not call into question public security or public order, that is, the right to demonstrate and meet when it is not contrary to the interests of the French State and the bourgeoisie. This Constitution, in addition to guaranteeing the national and social oppression of the Basque Country, makes it clear that every paragraph within it has its antithesis: its upper and lower chamber, that is, freedom in the main title and the denial of freedom in the note.
It is up to us to set in motion the struggles organized at the level of the Basque Country and to deal with the attacks on political militancy.
And this is just one example of it. In fact, the defendants have been mainly for the imposition of the French national day in Euskal Herria and for denouncing national oppression or for fighting the reform of the withdrawals. And those struggles are not acceptable to the French State. What is more, they pose a threat. As a result, the minimum rights of these militants, essential for the development of a political militancy in the Basque Country, have been confiscated. In short, they have banned their political militancy, without explicitly leaving it in the judgment.
However, this condemnation is not only against those five young people, but against all political militants. And the message is clear: all people and organisations that use forms of unadmissible mobilization and struggle will have the same or worse fate as these militants. Consequently, its objective is to carry out only the asymmila and the political struggles that they can tolerate, in order to destroy the revolutionary struggle.
First of all, it is up to us to create the conditions for dealing with this type of attack in the Basque Country, because we cannot allow obstacles to be placed in the political militancy, let alone banned. The answer, on the contrary, cannot be in the moment or in the place. It is up to us to set in motion the struggles that are organised at the level of Euskal Herria and that face the attacks on political militancy, and those struggles we have to place under the objective of amnesty. And it's that the fight against repression is not just defensive. We must fight to put an end to the repressive base, only in that way will we succeed in overcoming the harassment of the Basque Working People.
From here, therefore, I call on the organisation and the fight to strengthen the fight against repression, the defence of political militancy and the objective of amnesty.
It falls, it rises and continues, because victory is ours!
Kai Karasatorre MartÃnez, member of the Aske organization