A million people have had to flee Rafah
  • The Zionists continue to bomb the city and invade land against the demands of the NJA and many international agents. EE.UU. states that no red line has passed.
Jon Hidalgo Gereñu 2024ko maiatzaren 31
Argazkia: AP

The Israeli army continues to bomb Rafah. Hundreds of people have been killed with military operations started in the city on 7 May. In addition to air strikes, ground forces have attacked Rafah and controlled the border between Gaza and Egypt. Humanitarian aid has scarcely been included in the last month, according to various sources.

On Monday the Zionists provoked a massacre in a Rafah refugee camp. At least 45 Palestinians died, although Israel itself said it was a “safe area”. After the attack, and under the pressure of the flood, Netanyahu himself said it was a mistake and they would investigate what happened in the camp. The following day, however, the Zionist army attacked the same camp again and killed at least 25 Palestinians burned by bombs or fires in tents. A CNN study reveals that American ammunition was used to attack the Rafah refugee camp.

Sources such as UNRWA have confirmed that Rafah has had to escape more than a million people since the beginning of the recent attacks. But there is no safe place in Gaza, according to the health ministry. Ministry spokesman Ashraf Al-Qudra said that “the Israeli occupation has expressly destroyed the health system in Rafah and northern Gaza.” They denounce the lack of capacity to deal with the massacres generated by the Zionists from the point of view of health services.

U.S. red lines

Although EE.UU. There has been no problem between the two allies. When Israel takes ten steps, the red lines of the United States take ten steps away. The US Secretary of State is concerned about the events in Rafah. But Defense Press Secretary John Kirby has just said that they have not crossed red lines because they have not seen “major land operations.” However, he adds that the lives of innocent civilians cannot be put at risk. According to the latest data, on 7 October, 36,224 Palestinians were killed by Zionist forces in Gaza and 81,777 wounded.

Negotiations between Hamas and Zionists were expected to resume, but some experts say they will not move forward. Sixteen says that it will not be negotiated as long as the aggression persists, but that it is ready to return the hostages in exchange for the end of the war. But the end of the “war” does not seem to be close. A high Israeli authority announced this week that the war will last until the end of the year.

If it were prolonged so long, the Zionist attack would last until the US elections passed. By then, Donald Trump could be in government, because although he has just been convicted in 34 litigation, he can still win elections. Various surveys show that Bide is losing its support because of its attitude to the genocide in Gaza, especially among young Democrats and American Arabs. Despite the fact that Biden has made simple criticisms of Israel, since 7 October he has given great economic and military protection to the state of Israel, as has been done before. However, it follows from Trump’s statements in recent months that this will have an even stronger attitude towards the Zionists.

Humanitarian aid

Israel maintains closed or very restricted access routes. In addition, the Zionist army has just taken the “Philadelphia Corridor”, the corridor between Egypt and Gaza, which has led it to completely surround Gaza. There is no longer a limit to other countries, at least de facto.

Humanitarian aid drifts by land and is far from the level of need of the people of Gaza. In addition, in recent days it has been forced to withdraw the US interim port in Gaza for repairs, as the waves were damaged. For at least a week he will be in a port of Israel while repaired, according to US representatives. Numerous local and international sources in Gaza have denounced that the port did not perform its function properly and that entry from there, even in operation, was very limited. It was launched on 17 May and has lasted less than two weeks.