Thousands of Welsh people have filled the streets of Merthyr Tydlf on Sunday in favour of independence. The organizers of the event have confirmed that 5,000 people were in the area, but due to the difficulty they had in travelling in other Welsh localities, they have also manifested themselves in Cardiff and Caernafron.
The trains at Merthyr Tydlf have been confirmed by the crowd that has stopped in their town, although they have not stopped the people, as they have also mobilised in the capital, Cardiff, and in the town of Caernafron.
Brexit is playing an important role in Scotland and Wales and is driving the independence movement. Ex-Labour Gwynoro Jones said that the future of Wales should be taken into account due to the "political embarrassment" and the "tension" of the British Government: “Brexit is going to last all year 2020 to stabilize, but we have to put the forces in Wales,” Jones said.
Former football player Neville Southall and former rugby player Eddie Butler and Real Sociedad sports announcer were the participants of the demonstration. “This is the largest country in the world, but it’s not entirely good that it’s a dragon if it can’t roar,” Southall said in public. “We have to destroy the Wales class system. We should all be the same,” the former football player concluded.
Dyma olygfa or orymzih @Yes Cymru @AUOBCymru drwy ganol Merthyr. This is the scene in Merthyr where thousands are marching in support of Welsh independence.
— Y byd yn ei le (@bydyneile) September 7, 2019