Twelve localities in the Zinda Jan district of Afghanistan have been completely damaged by the 6.3 earthquakes on the Ritcher scale on Saturday. 2,530 deaths and 9,240 injuries. The Red Cross spokeswoman in Afghanistan, Irfanullah Sharafzoy, has announced that the number of victims can increase, as they continue to seek people who have remained under the waste. They have been one of the “most destructive earthquakes” in Afghanistan in recent decades.
EITB has ensured that there have been at least seven earthquakes, the largest of them the first, at 33 kilometres and 14 kilometres deep of the city of Zindah Jan in the province of Herat. Evacuation of the population to safe areas and location in “abandoned buildings”.
According to a report by the UN Office for the Coordination of Human Affairs, Mahal Wadakah has been the most affected locality. In general, the earthquake has damaged 4,200 people and brought down nearly 400 homes.