Thousands of people in Laudio claim the need for a decent public health system
  • Driven by the death of Laudioarra David Hernández, thousands of people have gone to the streets to denounce on Friday that cuts in the public health system put lives at stake. The works council of JEZ and the SOS Aiaraldea platform have today convened one of the largest demonstrations held in the region during the last decade.
Aimar Gutierrez Bidarte Aiaraldea @aiaraldea 2024ko urtarrilaren 22a

Disappointed and angry, thousands of people have taken to the streets of Llodio in defense of the public health system. The death of the 42-year-old laudioarra, David Hernández, last week, has spread the pain in the region and the citizenship has mobilized to scream "enough" to the cutbacks of Osakidetza, in one of the most massive manifestations of the last decade in Ayala.

Convened by the IAE Works Council and the SOS Aiaraldea platform, the demonstration is part of the Herriko Plaza de Llodio at 18:30. They go to the outpatient clinic to report that Hernandez's death has ignited all the alarms of Osakidetza.

Claiming a decent public health system

"Poor health services challenge our well-being and lives. An extreme example is the tragic event of a week ago," they note at the closing event. "The consequences of the critical situation of the region's health system, however, have been suffering for years. The high rates of temporality experienced by health professionals or the high workloads that prevent us from performing the work properly", have denounced, on behalf of health professionals, that "in the case of Primary Care professionals, it is increasingly evident that there are fewer human resources and that they are not enough to provide the necessary care".

In view of this, they have claimed that it is "sufficient" and have called for a public health system worthy of the neighbors of Ayala and the rest of the counties.