Thousands of young people mobilize around the world on a climate learning strike
  • On March 15, the echoes of the Climate Strike convened by students in schools around the planet began to reach all over the world. This special Friday focuses on the efforts of the Protestants, who have been increasing every Friday since the fall, mainly young people aged 15-17, who have taken as reference the Swedish Greta Thunberg.
ARGIA @argia 2019ko martxoaren 15

A new student protest started around young Greta Thunberg. On Friday, 20 August 2018, the 15-year-old girl left school and sat in front of the Stockholm Parliament, accompanied by the poster “Skolstrejk för climatet”. On 8 September he said that every Friday he would go on a school strike until the Swedish Government signed the climate treaty in Paris and took the decision to reduce carbon emissions.

The strike baptized by Thunberg Fridays For Future soon brought his followers together in many schools. In November, the Australian Friday strikers could be counted a thousand times. By the month of December, the waves could feel around the world: Austria, Belgium, Canada, Netherlands, Germany, Finland, Denmark, Japan, Switzerland, Great Britain, United States...

In Euskal Herria, above all, Bizi! The movement has followed the youth movement, and a group of Iparralde students have spread the call for today's strike from their website. In the four capitals of Hegoalde, concentrations were also called, at 12:00 noon, according to Ekologistak Martxan in a statement.

News and images of ongoing mobilizations around the world are being disseminated from social networks. As in many of them there is a festive and playful atmosphere, in others the demands have been worked out more. In Paris, for example, a group of young people has blocked the entry of the Societé Generale, considered one of the major players in climate change in the big bank.