Thousands of Armenians take refuge at Nagorno Karabakh airport for fear of ethnic cleansing
  • Azerbaijan has taken control of Nagorno Karabakh twenty-four hours after Nagorno attacked him, after his authorities have accepted "dissolution and complete disarmament". The Armenians call for safe steps to be taken to escape the country and hundreds of people take refuge at Stepanakert airport.
Urko Apaolaza Avila @urkoapaolaza 2023ko irailaren 21a
Stepanakerteko aierportua ez dago egun erabilgarri, baina errusiar militarren guarnizio bat dago bertan. Irudi hau Errusiako Defentsaq Ministerioak zabaldu du hainbat hedabideren bidez.

On Tuesday, Azerbaijan attacked Nagorno Karabakh with heavy artillery, a mountainous territory amid the conflict with Armenia and populated by Armenian people. After twenty hours, local authorities sign a cease-fire with Russian mediation, so they agree "to dismantle and complete disarmament".

Several sources say that dozens of people have died in the attack and that the Azerbaijani army has crossed the entire "contact line".

Nagorno Karabakh has become a piece to sacrifice in the complex game table of the Ukrainian war, after moving away from the relationship between Armenia and Russia.

In Erevan, the capital of Armenia, demonstrations and disturbances have reappeared on Wednesday afternoon to call for the resignation of Nikol Pashinyan from the Armenian Government, who has left the Armenians of Nagorno Karabakh sold.

The United States and several European countries denounce the attack on Azerbaijan, but with a small mouth. The European Union agreed with Baku in July 2022 to double the import of its large gas reserves.

Azerbaijan's President, Ilham Aliyev, celebrated the "victory" in a television appearance and spoke strongly: "Some have already received the punishment they deserved and others will still receive it"

Nagorno Karabakh’s President, Samvel Shahramanyan, before announcing the government’s decision, said that his priority is to ensure the security of citizens and that they will take the necessary steps “in the face of the weak international response”. Close to the capital of Azerbaijan, the "integration" of the country is now being discussed in Yevlakh.

Some 120,000 Armenians live in Nagorno Karabakh, in most Orthodox Christian cases, who are now afraid of ethnic cleansing.

The only Latxinga walkway with Armenia for nine months has been closed by Azerbaijan, which reopened on 12 September, in order to squeeze the population hungry and scarce. The Nagorno Karabakh Government has called for "safe human corridors" and the Russian "peace forces" are helping to evacuate citizens.

But thousands more people take refuge at Stepanakert airport, according to Reuters. This airport is not operational and today there is a garrison of Russian military personnel. The Nagorno Karabakh Information Service has asked citizens not to go to the airport and stay in their shelters.

Azerbaijan President Ilham Aliyev celebrated the "victory" in a television appearance and spoke forcefully, fine-tuning the members of the "criminal regime" of Nagorno Karabakh: "Some have already received the punishment they deserved and others will still receive it. The Armenian people know that I have given the floor."