Over a billion people get excited in India and Pakistan
  • The temperature of the Earth has reached 62 degrees and the air temperature has risen to 50 in recent days in India and Pakistan, a heat wave that is stretching for more than a week.
Iñaut Gonzalez de Matauko Rada @inautogdm 2022ko maiatzaren 06a

The heat wave that is stretching over a week in India and Pakistan is hitting hard and the health and large crops of millions of people are at risk. As pointed out by the non-governmental organization ActionAid, this heat wave can directly affect crops and livestock essential for survival, which can lead to a severe crisis.

In the Pakistani city of Nawabshah, the highest temperatures are reached, 49.5ºC. In Jacobabad (Pakistan) temperatures of 49°C have been taken and in Padidan (Pakistan) temperatures have been taken 48°C.

This heat wave is causing fires, light cuts and deaths in the two Asian countries. On the other hand, wheat crops, forests and garbage deposits are being burned by fire, which has led to an increase in air pollution.