More than a thousand workers denounce the company Facebook
  • Around a thousand workers today reported that around twenty workers reported in April the alleged violation of fundamental rights of the company CCC Barcelona Digital Services, subcontracted on Facebook, in Spain. They define the working climate as "gestapo."
Leire Ibar 2024ko urriaren 17a
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In the last month, more and more Facebook workers have denounced their "brute" working conditions. It is the responsibility of several employees of the company to watch and remove videos of rape, child pornography, suicides, live torture and murder. In addition to the psychological consequences that this entails, the workers have denounced that they are under the constant threat of being dismissed and sentenced.

Several workers have anonymously recognized El Salto who punish them for having taken a toilet, eating or resting from sight (five minutes an hour). The company CCC Barcelona Digital Services, subcontracted by Facebook, is in charge of deciding whether the videos are suitable for public dissemination. The company has pointed out that fundamental rights "have neither professionalism nor ethics nor much less".

The CCC Barcelona Digital Services sometimes condemns workers to leave seven days of their employees unpaid for reasons they consider "absurd and absurd", workers have denounced. In total, about 1800 workers work for this company in the Spanish state.

Violations of rights

One worker has denounced anonymously that the pressure exerted by employees is "enormous". Not only because we see violent content, but also because of working conditions. In fact, they can't have anything on top of the table or in the chair, except the clothes on top and a list of authorized foods and beverages. They cannot carry a cell phone, a clock, or a paper; these measures are laid down on the pretext of preserving the privacy of what they do there. The pressure and cruelty of the contents they are constantly observing are causing an increase in the number of workers’ casualties. About 20% of workers are out of work due to anxiety. The worker who made these statements added that in the last month he had to go four times to the emergency services for anxiety.

As regards the "absurd" redundancies, several workers have made known the same case, which is being recorded. Telus took out a worker's two-day salary (EUR 200) for an alleged homophobic comment made by the employer. His colleagues have explained that he is homosexual and that he claims it freely. The worker who received the sanction explained to a colleague that it seemed to him that the company was doing pinkwashing, and as a consequence of that comment the sanction was imposed.

Moreover, they note that there is discrimination on the grounds of nationality. Workers are divided into two groups. Group B, which has a Spanish, Italian and Portuguese passport, receives 28% less salary than that received by Group A, composed of passports from countries such as France, the Netherlands, Israel and Scandinavia. The company has accepted the wage gap and has argued that the main languages used in content moderation are those of Group A, and secondly, that it is more difficult to find workers from the same group in Barcelona.

That is why a court in Barcelona condemned the company CCC Barcelona Digital Services (Barcelona) in April. He called on each worker discriminated against on the basis of his nationality to pay EUR 10,001 and to equip himself with the salaries of the staff. At first, about twenty workers reported the accident, which has been added to another 800.