The European Commission will analyse the torture of Mikel Zabenhancement
  • After seeing the light of the audio evidence that Mikel Zabraise was tortured and that he was systematically tortured at the Intxaurrondo headquarters, several political parties will bring the case to the European Commission. Among other issues, the European Commission will be asked if it has mechanisms to prevent torture in arrests in the Spanish State.
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The case of Mikel Zabraise comes to Europe in two ways. On the one hand, EH Bildu, PNV, ERC, Junts and Anticapitalists will raise a number of issues. They will ask the Commission what they know and what they think about these torture and whether there are no mechanisms in the Spanish State to ensure that no one is tortured in the arrests.

The Court of Strasbourg has on 11 occasions condemned Spain for not investigating torture and in seven of them, as judge Fernando Grande-Marlaska, pronounced on the desirability of Grande-Marlaska being a Spanish Minister for the Interior.

On the other hand, Podemos will also take the issue to Europe on its own in the Euroleague. It will ask whether the non-investigation of torture in police stations is a democratic norm and, at the same time, it will raise the need for a law allowing the documents reserved to be dissected. In fact, the Official Secrets Act of the time of Franco states that in order to uncover a document, the first thing the Spanish Government has to do is to give it authorisation and that what it wants to keep secret is not declassified.

Where is Miguel? We can affirm that to close the open wound raised by the documentary, truth and justice are necessary to “ensure that no violence is repeated.”