Mikel Artola takes the eighth finals of Lasarte-Oria
  • The seventh and final day of the Bertsolaris Championship in Gipuzkoa was held on October 5 at the Casa de Cultura Manuel Lekuona de Lasarte-Oria, with Artola as the top scorer. @bertsozale 2019ko urriaren 07a

The Casa de Cultura Manuel Lekuona de Lasarte-Oria has hosted the last quarter-finals of the Bertsolaris Championship in Gipuzkoa on October 5. Tickets, previously exhausted, have been exhausted, so the room has been filled.

The following sextet participated in the song:

Aitor Salegi Martija

Eneko Araiztegi Agirre

Iñaki Zelaia Irazusta

Mikel Artola Izagirre

Oier Aizpurua Olaizola

Unai Izagirre Etxeberria

Mikel Artola has added the most points, with a total of 429 points. Therefore, the Bertsolari Navarro will sing in the fourth finals to be held in Azkoitia on 2 November. This is how the Lasarte-Oria scores remained:

Mikel Artola Izagirre..........429

Iñaki Zelaia Irazusta..........412.5

Oier Aizpurua Olaizola.........401

Unai Izagirre Etxeberria......397.5

Aitor Salegi Martija...........390

Eneko Araiztegi Agirre.......389.5

The presentation works were carried out by Imanol Artola Arretxe and the jury was composed of the following members: Eneritz Azkue Basurko, Karlos Ibarguren Olalde, Leire Beloki Lizarralde, Mikel Lersundi Ayestaran and Mikel Urteaga Azkue. Ane Errazkin Aranburu has also served as secretary.