Concentrations in Irun and Hendaia to denounce racist control and policies against migration
  • Today, a concentration has been held in defence of the rights of migrants on the occasion of tomorrow’s International Migrant Day.
Gorka Peñagarikano Goikoetxea 2018ko abenduaren 17a
Argazkia: Irungo Harrera Sarea / Gari Garaialde

The Irun Reception Network and the Iparralde Immigrant Association have concentrated in front of the Hendaia Detention Centre, on the bridge between Irun and Hendaia. The latter is a "penitentiary center for migrants", which encloses migrants who are in an irregular situation until they are sent to their countries of origin. Both calls have claimed the rights of migrants. They have denounced the unfair control of the European Union and the racist policies being pursued.

“The border between Irun and Hendaia has not disappeared,” said the members of Irun’s Reception Network. They consider that the rules laid down by the Schengen Agreement on the free movement of persons in the EU are not being complied with. In this regard, they have warned that the measures imposed by the institutions are "late and scarce" in nature. However, thanks to citizen and institutional mobilizations, “situations of humanitarian exclusion have been avoided.

Over 2 per cent of the world's population

The International Day of Migrants was declared in 1999 by the UN: “With the aim of recognizing the great contribution of millions of migrants to the development of countries around the world.” According to the UN, more than 175 million migrants, representing more than 2% of the world's population, live and work in a country other than their place of origin or nationality. This figure includes economic migrants, refugees, asylum seekers and immigrants who persevere in asylum.

Report on the situation of refugees this weekend in Busturialdea

Despite the support of associations and local citizens, refugees do not have sufficient resources to meet their needs. This has been denounced this weekend by the Busturialdea Reception Group, according to the newspaper Berria. They urge institutions and municipalities to offer "basic aid" to refugees fleeing war, but especially to governments, to assume their "responsibility" towards refugees.

On the 22nd there will be a noisy kalejira under the motto Inor ez da ilegala.