Strike in Huerta de Peralta
Lessons from a migrant strike
  • The strike of workers from the greenhouses Huerta de Peralta, the majority of Moroccan and South American migrants, ends in Peralta, after many struggles and solidarity mobilizations.
Juan Mari Arregi 2019ko urtarrilaren 24a
Huerta de Peraltako langileak akordioa ospatzen (arg: LAB Nafarroa)

Following negotiations between the company and the LAB trade union, the agreement covers most of its claims, such as the readmission of two expelled workers, giving a choice to a third party if the courts so decide and recognizing that the dismissal of a quarter was inappropriate. As for the debt of EUR 440,000, the company will pay 70% of the debt and improve the employment contract.

Various teachings. First: strikes and solidarity mobilizations, including the resistance fund, are effective. Workers in conflicting sectors such as concerted education, La Naval and Max Center have a model. Second: The precariousness and semi-slavery of the migrant scientists working in the greenhouses of Navarra can be broken with the situation. Third: The Peralta strike, if solidarity advances, should reach the whole of Navarre and other areas of Almeria and Andalusia, where precariousness is a scourge. It is the responsibility of the works councils and trade unions. {\b Fourth}: Solidarity with migrants necessarily implies improving the coexistence of our peoples.

“Here or outside, everyone by working class!” Again and again the strikers have shouted that phrase. This cry worries the employers and Capitalism itself about the meaning it has in our country and in the rest of the world. Davos brings together the world elite of that capitalism, to organize society according to their interests... It is the same Capital, national or external.