Donald Trump will have his second and final term as President of the United States, as by law it cannot be filed for the third time in the country. You will therefore, as you would expect, be able to resort to the most infamous measures, even if the majority of citizens opposed this, as you will not be president again. It has full power, even for the time being, in the delegation of the Supreme Court, which is headed by Republicans.
The expectation dominated Trump’s takeover act, which he had said would give the guidelines of his administrative policies for the coming years. It has done so, it has given its first brush strokes.
We analyze them below in seven points:
1/ Deportation plan
"America's sovereignty is back," said Trump, who has started his speech talking about "security" in the first place. The president has promised that he will establish a state of emergency in the states bordering Mexico and has announced that he will launch a "campaign" in his country, "stay in Mexico".
According to the new president, the catch and release policy, which "is at the core" of current migration policies, "must end". This is a term commonly heard in recreational fishing, "catch and release", as, according to him, migrants are captured, but in the United States they are immediately released.
Police presence increases considerably in neighborhoods where more migrants live
It has focused on the states bordering Mexico, but before the act of inauguration, in northeastern Chicago, in the state of Illinois, a "chaos" has erupted in the last week, according to Sunday's The New York Times. In fact, it was feared that the first deportations, which have been called Operation Safeguard, had begun there, apparently also increased police presence, and some migrants, or who had their irregular administrative status, had left the city in haste and running in recent days.
On the other hand, it has put drug traffickers "like migrants", among which Afghanistan stands out. Moreover, he has named them "enemies of the country" and has promised that "he will use all the forces of the state" to punish the criminals and "expel them forever" from the country.
2/ Renewables, on the margin
Joe Biden named the renewable energy policy group Green New Deal. Well, as expected, Trump will repeal it: "Massive wind farms do nothing but degrade the natural landscape and do not serve Americans for energy.
In defense of fossil fuels, insultingly, in front of Biden, he said: "We're going to dig the land, baby, dig."
"We're going to dig the earth, baby, dig the earth."
He has pledged those drilling policies in countries like Pennsylvania, Michigan or Wisconsin, and wanted to make it clear that he's going to fulfill his mandate. In his speech, he stressed that the manufacturing industry "has been seriously affected by farce policies", that is, by measures in favour of renewable energies, and pointed out that the only way to boost it is the extreme exploitation of fossil fuels, blinking declining automotive: "You can buy the car you want." The Biden administration was going to slowly dismantle the most polluting vehicles on the market, and that's going to be what Trump is going to do.
On the other hand, the new clothes and dishwashers, light bulbs and toilets have hitherto been obliged to have an environmental certificate, which will also have no effect. In fact, Obama is going to take the United States out of the Paris Climate Agreement.
3/ Tariffs?
With a tariff rate of 100% to countries that consider enemies, less to those that negotiate with EE.UU, where fuel purchase enters EE.UU. And not to Russia or Algeria -- a lot of things have been heard in the campaign, but it hasn't yet clarified what exactly it's going to do. The Government of Navarre will not yet have large tariffs in the Ebro area during next week.
He has made it clear, among other things, that he is going to take a stand against counterfeit products, which will prevent cheap plagiarism, "Chinese plagiarism", of products produced in the United States from being sold in the United States.
Trump has announced that he will establish a special tax system for exports, which will require buyers countries to pay the taxes of the U.S. exporting company.
4/ Panama Canal, "yes or yes"
The Panama Canal, which was under U.S. rule, is currently controlled by Panama itself. Well, Trump has said that American ships are made to pay "unfairly too much" when they pass through, because "China wants it that way." The President of the Generalitat has committed himself to "put an end to it, in some way recovering the management of the channel".
On the other hand, it has announced that it will change the name of the Gulf of Mexico, as announced after winning the elections: Gulf of America.
In addition to signing the first decrees, Donald Trump signed a long series of pardons in the Japanese country shortly after taking office. When Biden took office as President in January 2021, protesters supporting Trump entered the Capitol violently and aggressively, many of whom were convicted by the courts: About 1,500 people.
Many of them are in prison, and some had sentences of up to twenty years without serving them. Well, Trump has signed the pardon that will take them out of jail because, he said, they were "hostages" and they should never be condemned.
5/ Staff at the workplace
Trump believes that working from home is not productive, but that fraud is being pursued in the name of conciliation and, among other things, that that is why the U.S. economy is crumbling.
As he promised in the campaign, his aim is to put an end to it. At the most, they will have a day of absence and, in some cases, they will have to go to work every day "without exception".
6/ Regaining freedom of expression, but "the genders are two and no more"
Donald Trump, in his investiture speech, has promised that he would override the rights of transgender and non-vital people and that he will fulfill his promise not to do so. It has not gone further, beyond saying: - Genres? It's two. Man or woman. No more.
- Genres? There are two: man or woman. No more."
After a while he said what he had to say about the freedom of expression of his opinion: "I will sign a law that will definitely guarantee freedom of expression. Any kind of public demonstration will never be banned; I know firsthand what that is."
What seemed like a speech from another planet ended later on on another planet. "On planet Mars we will flag the United States," he added. The camera has focused on Elon Musk, which is the challenge of his company and his team "in the short term", he added.
Then, in his speech, Musk made a Nazi greeting.
7/ The TikToki extension
The TikTok social network is illegal in the United States, claiming that it does not guarantee or protect the rights of children. Not on Instagram, for example. But that doesn't matter too much, because Instagram, Facebook and Whatsapp are owned by the U.S. company Meta and the Chinese company TikTokena.
Trump offers a moratorium on TikToki: He has given US businessmen 75 days to buy TikTok, making it legal in the United States.
So far, President Joe Biden has signed a number of pardons so the new president, Trump, cannot legally attack those people. Among other things, an hour before the inauguration, he has included his entire family in a list of names and signed the document. However, the judge has already decreed the pardon of several of those arrested before.
For example, former army general Mark Milley, called "fascist" to Trump; Dr. Anthony Fauci, who gave Trump several lessons during the COVID-19 pandemic; and many senators, who were investigating Trump's responsibilities in the assault on the Capitol; and, among others, Harrenitz.