According to the Irun Reception Network, the deceased was a migrant who was in transit and intended to follow his route. The Ertzaintza and the fire brigade rescued the man from the river. The Network recalls that a month ago, near the place where the lifeless body of the young man was found, the body of another young man of Eritrean origin was found.
The following day, on 23 May, an event was held in the Azken Portu district of Irun to recall the deceased and denounce the facts. The event was organized by the Irun Reception Network, the group of immigrants, Cimadé and Diakit. AMETS Arzallus and Tom Dubois participated in the event.
According to Berria, public institutions have called for accountability and for work to change the situation of migrants and the policies implemented. “This situation has to be changed, we cannot normalize it, and we also know that there are other ways of doing things. These racist policies are not the only alternative,” the Network said.
Demonstration on 29 May
The Irun Reception Network organised demonstrations on 29 May in Irun and Hendaia. All kinds of organisations and all those who are concerned about respect for rights humanos.El 29 May want to denounce the reception of migrants, the racist controls at the Irun border and the racist policies of control and migration at the borders that are imposing and hardening the European Union and the Member States.