The City of Biarritz completes the first family book written in Basque
  • The House of the People of Biarritz has presented the Basque family book, written by Herriko Etxea, as "symbolic support" for the revitalization of the Basque Country, but "of great importance".
ARGIA @argia 2021eko apirilaren 15a

The situation is gradually changing in the French State. After creating the first family book in Breton in March, this April Biarritz becomes a document written in Basque.

Through this support, the City of Biarritz wants to show that in the field of civil affairs too, gestures can be made in favour of the Basque Country: "It shows that Euskera can also exist in administrative documents," he added. The right-wing Maider Arostegi, of whom she is not mayor last year, shows her desire to work for the Basque country. The mayor has pointed out that, although it has no legal value, it does have a "great symbolic value".

It has also appealed to other People ' s Houses to repeat the initiative.