The EU and the US United States undertake to reduce methane gas emissions by 30% in ten years
  • Although the agreement reached between the European Union and the United States on the climate crisis will be presented on Friday, the main point has been advanced in a number of ways: The objective is to reduce methane gas emissions by one third by 2030.
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Methane gas warms up the atmosphere more than CO2 and at ten years it becomes CO2. The countries that emit more carbon dioxide will meet in Scotland on Friday and announce the agreement. Other countries are then expected to join the compromise, such as China, Brazil or India.

Energy, agriculture and waste management are the sectors that emit the most methane.

Climate emergency forecasts are becoming increasingly negative. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) published in August a report explaining the seriousness of the situation. If the temperature rises by 1.5 degrees, irreversible damage to the environment will occur: droughts, heat waves and rains. However, if the current path is followed, temperatures will rise to 2.7 degrees in the century. In this article we drew up the conclusions of the report.