In the current context, they have stressed that these agreements are only signed in response to the “economic interests of certain minorities” and are indicators of an “undemocratic wave” that seeks to place itself above the sovereignty of the peoples. For this reason, they want to take advantage of the next few days to reflect and denounce the impacts that come from this thread. They say that it will be a time to reformulate, update and strengthen the discourse. “We need to look at the consequences that this new attack will have on our territory and the ways to deal with it.”
As part of the conference, a round table will be held on the first day to reflect on the consequences that the new treaties can have both from a global perspective and from a municipal perspective. Erika González, member of the OMAL-Peace and Dignity group, Jule Goikoetxea, professor at the UPV/EHU, and Patricia Perales, member of the Pamplona City Council, will participate in the colloquium.
The next day, May 5, the World Café is organized to promote the organization between alternative and resistance from different areas. They will address, for example, the strategy addressed from feminism, the municipal sector, public services and the control of corporate powers. For this, several guests will speak. Laura Gonzalez de Txabarri (ELA), Eider Casanova (LAB), Iratxe Arriola, representative of the Ayuntamiento de Ea and Julia Marti, member of FeministAlde, among others, will be present.
The session on Friday will take place from 18:00 to 20:30. Saturday from 9:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.