Mercedes Benz employees return to work
  • On Monday the workers of the Mercedes Benz factory in Vitoria come back to work. The company has 5,000 direct workers and 30,000 indirect workers and the labour agreement is approved until 2026.
Maddi Viana Zubimendi @maddi76_ 2022ko abuztuaren 30a
Argazkia: Wikimedia Commons.

On August 29, Mercedes Benz workers returned to the factory after reaching an employment agreement. At the end of the holiday, they hope to achieve more production than ever in the last part of the year: 160,000 vehicles. They are expected to work on four Saturdays in September and the company plans to work every Saturday until the end of the year.

Most of the staff were in favour of the labour agreement in July. The company projected an investment of EUR 1.2 billion in the agreement, but EITB has pointed out that there is still no claim. In cooperation with the Basque Government, the factory will begin a process of modernisation to boost the production of electric vehicles.

The last four-month period of this year will also be important for another reason: the union elections are being held and through them it will be decided what the new organisation will be.