Several neighbours denounce the Mendiaraitz occupational accident in Azpeitia in a rally called by the Socialist Council
  • In the face of the attacks, several citizens have concentrated on the plaza, under the motto 'Workers' Organization'. At the end of the concentration, the Socialist Council has called on the organisation to face up to the ‘capitalist barbarity’.
Uztarria Anartz Izagirre 2021eko martxoaren 08a
Elkarretaratzea Azpeitiko plazan. Argazkia:

Last Friday a worker died in an occupational accident at the Mendiaraiz company, and on Sunday the Socialist Council has concentrated on the plaza to report this occupational accident. Faced with sexual assaults, under the motto Workers' Organization, several citizens have joined the call for a strike.

The members of the Socialist Council have assured that this is the ninth death in occupational accident since the beginning of the year 2021 in the locality of Navarra. "It is clear from the Socialist Council that this accident responds to the poor situation we are living in the workplace and that this kind of death is only a clear consequence of that situation," they explained. They have also appealed to the citizens to organise themselves in order to deal with "capitalist barbarity".