March 25 begins the new cycle of Mountain March in Alavesa Mountain
  • Mount Alavés Askek starts a new cycle of mountain marches under the motto Protect the mountain you want. The aim of energy companies is to ‘make known the natural areas they want to destroy’ to ‘protect the territory’ and ‘maintain biodiversity’.
Hala Bedi @halabedi 2023ko martxoaren 17a

The first march will take place on 25 March from the Ullibarri Palace. Two tours have been organised. The first, with 12km and 700 meters of altitude, will depart at 9:30 from the Pool. The second, shorter, 5.3 km and 300 meters of slope, will begin at 11:00 in Puerto Laminoria.

Six more outputs have been organised in spring and summer. It will be 1 April in Aramaio, 22 in Durana and Ayala, 27 May in Cantoblanco, 10 June in Jesuri and Elgeamendi on 1 July.

On 20 May, they also convened a national demonstration in Gasteiz, in defence of the Earth. under the slogan.