A new mountain emerges in the Goierri: Monte Trash Lurpe de Mutiloa
  • The landfill of Lurpe, managed by the company CESPA, branch of the Ferrovial Corporation, has been filled at full speed and reaching heights due to the accumulation of garbage sent throughout Gipuzkoa. This is creating a new mountain in Gipuzkoa, the Lurpe garbage mountain, which belongs to Mutiloa on a municipal basis but which is very close to the towns of Gabiria and above all to Ormaiztegi.
Zero Zabor @zero_zabor 2019ko ekainaren 24a
(Argazkia: Beñat Hach Embarek)

In June 2017, mixed waste from all over Gipuzkoa to the Lurpe landfill began to arrive in the first trucks, and the authorities did not take into account the protests of many Goierri neighbours against this intention.

A major demonstration against the new Ormaiztegi landfill took place on 18 December 2016. Time has given them reason.

Two years later, the waste from Gipuzkoa has left a new mark that no one will be able to erase in spite of the years: a rubbish mountain showing the consequences of poor waste management. Beñat Hach Embarek has been in charge of publicizing the news from social networks: