Report of an Afghan woman who the Western NGO has forgotten
  • The Afghan woman, who has not been identified, has worked for two years for a Western NGO within the European Union. With regard to the Taliban's origin, when he asked the Western owner for help, he advised him not to ask him for a visa. Now he's at home, out of fear of looking out at the window. What he does not know is whether they are going to take him out of Afghanistan. It says that Western governments are going to decide who to save and who to leave behind.
ARGIA @argia 2021eko abuztuaren 23a
Afganistango emakumeak 2009an burka jantzita. Argazkia: Amesen.

The testimony of this woman, between 20 and 30 years old, has been collected by the media The Guardian and El It therefore criticises the Western NGO, because it has forgotten that they have worked with it and with it for the organisation. Above all, it is concerned about the future of women and young people. He has spoken against Afghan men, because through various events he has discovered that men are aware that life will change mainly to women, but not to men. Someone has also told him that the return of the Taliban is the fault of women.

Following the Taliban’s seizure of power, it became clear that women went back to the 1990s “to live at home and dressed in burka”. He had been working in a Western NGO for two years. When the Taliban arrived, the NGO thought it would help them. The organization, from the West, responded that they were calm and advised not to apply for a visa.

He heard that the Taliban forced the girls to marry them. The concern was about a Western activist who, being single and young, lives in Afghanistan and works for women’s rights. She said she couldn't help her find a fake husband. This Afghan woman found it sad that a feminist responded like this: “It seems that my situation is not so serious for her.”

He knows that the Taliban are going to cut women's rights and it seems that the men there also know it very well. It has surprised the attitude of some of them, for example their co-workers. On the last day of work at the NGO’s office, the co-workers jokingly told him: It's the last day we're going to see you! Now we will have to ask your brother for permission to see you and he will tell us no!” The woman has made the following reading on the event: “They think their life will remain the same, but mine will not. And they don't care."

The Afghan woman who testified that many men believe that the life of the Taliban in power will change women, not men, has added the witness. On the last day of work, a man approached her and told her that it was her and the women's fault. He said: “Women have freed themselves too much and become shameless, so the Taliban have decided to impose discipline.” He says that this man is not afraid, because the Taliban have come to seek women and not men.

He does not know what is going to happen to him, if he is going to get a visa, the NGO that has done the work that he is going to get out of Afghanistan. She realizes that her life is worth more than others because she has worked for an NGO. She has five sisters and she doesn't know what's going to happen to them. The Guardian and El have been told this: “Our future is in the hands of the governments of the West. They will decide who to save and who to leave on the way. This divides my heart.”