The West condemns Russia to secure gas supplies in Europe
  • Canada sends a turbine to Germany that needed the Nord Stream 1 tube for Germany to take it to Russia. The European Commission has “applauded” Canada’s failure to comply with the penalty policy at Germany’s request.
Zigor Olabarria Oleaga @zoleaga1 2022ko uztailaren 21

The Government of Canada has temporarily prevented the transfer of a turbine to Germany. The turbine was necessary for the repair of the Nord Stream 1 pipeline, but the economic penalties imposed by the West on Russia prohibit this export. The maintenance of the Nord Stream 1 gas pipeline is the responsibility of the German company Siemens Energy. Last Saturday, however, the Government reported on the authorization of the transport of the turbine to Germany. The Canadian Government has informed the company responsible for granting “revocable and time-limited permission”.

Zelensky angry, the enchanted European Commission

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said on Wednesday that it was a “difficult” but “necessary” decision. He explains that the aim is “to secure Europe’s energy supplies”. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky accuses Canada of obeying Russia’s blackmail. Zelensky becomes angry in a national declaration: “If a terrorist State can impose this exception to penalties, what exceptions will be sufficient tomorrow or the past?” For its part, the European Commission, which is being one of the main promoters of war and punishment, has welcomed Canada’s decision: “The European Commission welcomes Canada’s decision to return a natural gas turbine to Germany for use in the Nord Stream 1 pipeline after repair.”