Passage of the Law on Historical and Democratic Memory in the Basque Parliament
  • On Wednesday the Basque Parliament approved by an absolute majority the law which represents a significant advance in the field of memory. With the favorable votes of PNV, EH Bildu, PSE, Elkarrekin Podemos, IU, and against PP, Citizens and Vox.
ARGIA @argia 2023ko irailaren 29a
Bilboko Suntutxu auzoan Aranzadiren lanak gorpuzkiak azaleratzen. (Argazkia: Bilboko udala)

With a basic proposal from the PNV and the PSE, they have been working for two years on the law, and accepting the contributions of EH Bildu and Elkarrekin Podemos, has finally made progress in the consideration of all the repressive allies of Franco under the principles of truth, memory, recognition, justice and non-repetition. Below are some of the areas covered by the law, gathered from the information published by the Basque Government

Victims: standard, compensation and day

The law will take victims individually and individually into account, through an official document, the political and trade union organizations that fought for democratic principles and freedoms. In memory of the victims will be held one day a year. The law also provides for an analysis of the degree of coverage that all reparation measures offer to victims and an indication of the deficits observed and the possibilities for correcting them.


A DNA bank will be created to identify the missing from the Civil War. As well as the Historical Memory Documentation Center. The Law also contemplates the future exhibition space of Gogoragunea, currently in the phase of the bidding of the works, as well as the network of exhibition spaces of the CAPV, two initiatives aimed at pedagogy and socialization of the historical and democratic memory.

Scientific team

The group will investigate human rights violations in Álava, Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa since 1936 and 1978 and prepare the Basic Report on Human Rights Violations.


The Law considers the 1936 coup d ' état and Franco as an attack on the historical memory and dignity of the victims and will finalize the uprising, individual or collective, of its authorities or the institutions that founded the dictatorship. The rule provides for penalties of up to EUR 150,000 for the most serious infringements, such as the destruction of graves or investigative documents.

Advisory Council

As a consultative and participatory body of memorial entities, a directory of associative entities will be launched and the Catalog of Places, Itineraries and Spaces of the Historical Memory of the Basque Country will be elaborated.