Ayala Health Workers Unveil Medical Workload
  • Ayala physician Roberto González Santiesteban has reported on social networks the situation of Osakidetza outpatient clinics so that "patients and those responsible know the reality of the unit".
Aiaraldea @aiaraldea 2020ko urriaren 02a
Aiaran egiten du lan Roberto gonzalez Santiestebanek. Argazkia: Aiaraldea

The City Hall of Orduña has denounced that the situation of health personnel in primary care is "deficient and worrying". Roberto González Santisteban, a doctor from the Ayala Valley, has disseminated on social networks some data from the region, "as a reflection, with a purely informative objective".

In five localities, 11 doctors

Osakidetza serves between 18,000-20,000 people in "Ayala": These are the towns of Orduña, Artziniega, Luiaondo, Endordiza and Amurrio. In total, in these municipalities there are 11 medical families: 3 in Orduña, 1 in Artziniega and 1 in Luiaondo-Apoyo and 6 in Amurrio.

In addition, there are 3 pediatricians in Amurrio. "In recent days there have been two casualties in Orduña and one in Amurrio. In addition, the doctor in Artziniega is also on leave because he has contact with a patient with COVID-19 in his workplace," said González Santiesteban.

Consequently, Endordiza will have to attend to the rural environment, "from Beotegui to Soxo and from Murga to Erretes".

Dr. Roberto González Santisteban has denounced the lack of means to cope with the health situation at the CAV. For example, 4 doctors have been forced to leave the hospital in recent days.

According to the doctor of Ayala, to the situation must be added the additional attention of Amurrio: "All the nurses and medical professionals spend every day through the COVID-19 area of Amurrio to treat in person citizens infected by the coronavirus: do the necessary PCR tests, be with the sick who need follow-up, etc. In addition, for the reasons mentioned, we see citizens who do not have a doctor".

Lack of resources

Gonzalez explained that, with the current means, demand cannot be met. Since March and to date, for example, in Endordiza 2,500 face-to-face consultations have been conducted taking into account physical or emotional illnesses.

In this sense, they have had to take care of the reports that can only be received by doctors, since "administrations cannot do them".

The treatment of the casualties of people in isolation is also saturated, according to the coroner. It has also noted significant global data from the sector, such as workload indicators, in which doctors usually process 15,000 casualties per day.

González Santiesteban explained that "for patients, those responsible, managers, OSI managers, the Department of Health and Lehendakari to be aware of the situation and give their opinion", so that "they have a detailed description of the reality of our unit, it is not an opinion".