About 60 Biscay companies are mobilizing with Mecaner’s workers to call for a change in attitude in industrial policy
  • Today, 16 April, nearly 60 industrial companies in Bizkaia, together with workers from the company Mecaner, have held a demonstration in Bilbao to demand a change of attitude in their industrial policy from the Basque Government and the Department of Industry. They point out that it is time to move "from words to deeds" and that there is still time to save Mecaner's work. They have therefore demanded that the Basque Government defend the workers and abandon the demands of the multinationals.
Nahia Martinez Gondra Hiruka .eus 2024ko apirilaren 17a

About 60 industrial companies in Bizkaia have pointed out that the case of Mecaner is not an isolated situation: "The land currently occupied by the industry is occupied by large commercial areas or large logistics companies. In it, the conditions of workers are characterized by a high degree of precariousness".

They have recalled that in the coming years, the automotive and energy industrial sectors, key to the Basque and Biscayan economy, will have to face a transition "to adapt their production to the current climate emergency".

They stress the importance of strong institutions and active industrial policies. They have demanded that the Basque Government "stop helping the company closures and become a protagonist in defending jobs and the country's future industry".

The majority of the mobilisation committee was set up with the delegated industries of ESK, LAB and CCOO in Bizkaia. Companies: Itp Externals, Alba Macrel, Gamesa, Zf Sachs, Gecsa, Alconza, Gth, Enersys, Navacel, ZIV, Mesa, Lamincer, Unilever, Smarmec, Piningemat, Gesttal, Réunion, PIERGPL,