The popular platform Meaka-Irimo has submitted thousands of claims and will represent the size of wind turbines in the locality
  • The public platform Meaka-Irimo has submitted 3,022 allegations in the Department of Industry of the Basque Government to the "Trekutz" project. Manifests: "On the Meaka-Irimo popular platform we are clear that renewable energies are absolutely necessary, but they cannot be imposed and disseminated in a disorderly manner and for the benefit of multinationals and their whims." He has announced the following initiatives: on 17 February in Antzuola the 8 Milas will be claimed and on 25 February the size of the wind turbines they want to put in Meaka and Irimo in the village of Antzuola will be represented.
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The popular platform Meaka-Irimo in his press release explains how it was born: "The popular platform was set up on 7 November 2023 in an open gathering of information on the wind power plant that the Antzuola City Council wishes to carry out in Meaka and Irimo. That same week a group of citizens organized that first meeting, and since then almost every week we have met."

With the creation of the platform, two conferences were organized: Aitziber Sarobe, a nature conservationist and PhD in biology, and Alvaro Campos, researcher and PhD in energy. According to the Plaraforma, "these two talks had the opportunity to learn about the distant reality of the people: the functioning of energy companies and the impact of the energy bubble on biodiversity and the rural environment".

The Trekutz project was published in the Official Gazette of the Basque Country on 15 December and the weekly meeting of local platforms was held to prepare the resources to be presented within one month. The legal framework has had two lines: "On the one hand, the collection of documentation and the processing of data to complete the technical claims; and on the other hand, the drawing up of public claims sheets". The deadline for submission to the Administration of the claim sheets is 6 February. The Plara Popular says about participation: "This month, 3,022 people have signed the suspension of the wind power plant project in Irimon and Meaka. 540 inhabitants of Antzuola have adhered to our request. It highlights the protection received outside Antzuola, especially from Azkoitia and Azpeitia".

Visible in the mountain race and representing the wind turbine inside the village

The popular platform is committed to further work and has announced two initiatives:

First, on February 17, during the 8 Miles mountain race of Antzuola the altars will be exposed during the day. Later, on 25 February, at 12:30 noon, the actual size of the wind turbines they want to put in Meaka and Irimon will be represented by human chain.