Until March the kaskarots will walk the streets of Lapurdi
  • Two weekends ago the first kaskarots emerged: De Beskoiz. And until March, every Saturday and Sunday will go through every corner of the town dancing from house to house and dancing at the party. The kaskarotas of Beskoitz are the busiest and most outgoing, but not the only ones. They have also announced their home departures from other localities in Lapurdi. At the time of collection we collected those from Uztaritze, Itsasu, San Juan de Luz, Kanbo and Biriatu. 2025eko urtarrilaren 20a
Inauteriak, kaskarotak, Heraitze auzoa, Uztaritze, 2023-02-12 Amaiur Aristi - Dantzan CC-BY-SA

These are groups of young people who, during the Carnival, make rounds in Lapurdi. It's usually an inner party, many times they spend hours inside the houses eating, singing and singing, but if along the way they touch in front, you're lucky. They move to the melody and rhythm of the marches from one side to the other and in the stops dance different dances, among others, Ximple, Marmutsch, Makila-txiki, Makila-handi, Jauziak, Fandango... Ponpier and Kotilungorri are also part of the group, bearers and reds sometimes, and in some places and times the Bear has also appeared.

Kaskarotas 2025

Saturday, 11 January

  • Cascabeles de Beskoitze - Light feet. (Bº Bois, borda de Mentaberri, borda de Laresta, Iribarnegarraia, Eiheralde, Ctra. Hasparren, Larreburua, Donamartinia)

Sunday, 12 January

  • Cascabeles de Beskoitze - Light feet. (Paoueta, Ageria, Placeu, Xelaia)

Saturday, 18 January

  • Cascabeles de Beskoitze - Light feet. (Camino de Enseigne, Xelaia, Sorueta, Jauberria, Patarria, Arbaldegia)
  • Sunday 19 JanuaryKaskarot de Beskoitze - Oin Arin. (Ganderatzia, Etxeparia, Camino de la Plaza de la Bola, Tratuenia, Belsusari, Martindegia)

Saturday, 1 February

  • Cascabeles de Beskoitze - Light feet. (Alternation Centre, Gainekoetxea, Gran Vía, Gerezieta, Harrieta)
  • Kaskarotas de Kanbo - Jeikadi.

Sunday, 2 February

  • Kaskarotak of San Juan de Luz - Begiraleak. in the morning. This year they celebrate the 90 years of the group and the Dantzaris who in the 1980s brought back the carnivals of Bettelu in Lapurdi will leave with the young people of now.
  • Cascabeles de Beskoitze - Light feet. (Iruitea, Bidartea, Gortiaga, Pikassharia, Hospitalia, Alzueta, Otxokolttipia)
  • Kaskarotas de Kanbo - Jeikadi.

Saturday, 8 February

  • Cascabeles de Beskoitze - Light feet. (Iturbidia New Year Road, Etxekoborda, Behartia, Sierras Route, Dam Head)

Sunday, 9 February

  • Cascabeles de Beskoitze - Light feet. (Larreista, Mixeleta, Iturraldia, Leizaraga, Behotegia)
  • Kaskarotas de Kanbo - Jeikadi.

Saturday, 15 February

  • Cascarotas de Uztaritze - Izartxo. (Baiona)
  • Kaskarot de Itsasu - Ataize.

Sunday, 16 February

  • Kaskarot de Itsasu - Ataize.

Saturday, 22 February

  • Cascarotas de Uztaritze - Izartxo. (In the Arruntza district)
  • Beskoitze Helmets - Light Feet
  • Seabirds - Ataize.Biriatuko Seabirds.

Sunday, 23 February

  • Cascarotas de Uztaritze - Izartxo. (In the Heraitze district)
  • Cascabeles de Beskoitze - Light feet. (Irigoinia, Imistola, Larrondoa, Ildaska)
  • Kaskarot de Itsasu - Ataize.

Sunday, 2 March

  • Cascarotas de Uztaritze - Izartxo. (Conciliation)
  • Cascabeles de Beskoitze - Light feet. (In front of the church)