The UPV/EHU will sanction for one month the professor who attacked two students on 8 March
  • The UPV/EHU withdraws for one month the work and salary of the professor of Legal Medicine who beat two students with clubs on March 8. The two assaulted women participated in the feminist strike mobilizations.
Hiruka .eus 2018ko azaroaren 14a
Leioako campuseko Medikuntza Fakultatea. (Argazkia: CC ZARATEMAN)

After the events, Leioa’s Feminist Students group denounced that the convicted teacher had hurled over them and that, after insulting them, he had beaten two of them with clubs. No complaint was filed in the courts, but they went to the Rectorate of the UPV/EHU to complain about it.

The University began the proceedings on April 10, as can be seen from the document provided by HIRUKA, so the Rectorado has decided to stop the professor for a month. The resolution is dated 5 November, but its content has now been known, a few days after feminists denounced the passivity of the UPV. The Law provides that the University may only communicate the sanction to the professor issued and prohibits the resolution from being made public.

This news was posted by Hiruka and we brought it to ARGIA thanks to the CC-by-sa license.