March 3 Memory Center: restrictions, delays and "unfulfilled promises"
  • The association Memoria Gara has expressed concern about the "freezing" of the project to create a memory centre to remember the victims of 3 March 1976.
Urko Apaolaza Avila @urkoapaolaza 2022ko abenduaren 27a
Gasteizko Zaramaga auzoko San Frantzisko auzoan Memoria Zentroa eraikitzearen aldeko protesta ekitaldi bat (argazkia: Memoria Gara)

"Continuous delays, unfulfilled promises and budget cuts", denounced the association Memoria Gara in the project to build a memory center in memory of the police massacre on 3 March 1976 in the church of San Francisco in the Zaramaga district of Vitoria.

Two years ago the agreement was made public by several institutions: Basque Government, Diputación de Álava, City Hall of Vitoria and Bishopric of Vitoria. But since then, Memory Gara has explained that the project is "frozen." The Basque Government assumed the leadership of public institutions, and the Gara Report also referred to the Gogoratuz Institute a proposal for a cooperation agreement which, despite having the approval of all, they have not signed.

The project is ambitious, as the transition memory of the vitorians has left an important mark on the population of the entire Basque country. Gogorak earmarked EUR 485,000 for 2022, divided into several items, Arabako Aleak explained in detail, but "zero euros have been spent all year 2022," the media explains. In 2023 the item is EUR 290,000: "Two years have been wasted, we can't let another one go into a vacuum," Gara explains.

Representatives of Memory Gara (photo: We are memory)

Several members of Memoria Gara have appeared at a press conference to explain the situation and denounce the "lack of political will". They have also called for measures to ensure victim participation in this process.

Phantom building, without patron

They explain that the report, the Foundation of the Centre and the Board of Trustees, are still incomplete, because the institutions have argued "legal difficulties", although the Basque Government has a legal report to make it possible since last July, according to the members of the Gara Report. In this sense, warn that this board cannot be created without the approval of the associations Marzo and Memoria Gara: "We're not going to be empty pots on this project."

Both associations are still unable to access the San Francisco church. The building is currently abandoned, closed and inactive: "It's a ghost building."