PSOE, PP, Vox and Citizens reject the creation of a commission to investigate the events of 3 March
  • The Board of Spokespersons rejected the proposal of ERC and EH Bildu, who rejected the text. The PSOE, pp, Vox and Citizens have been against setting up a committee of inquiry on this matter. The March 3 Association has accused the PSOE of hypocrisy for bringing a bouquet of flowers to the monolith of those who died in the acts of the 76th anniversary of the massacre.
Amaia Lekunberri Ansola 2022ko martxoaren 23a
Argazkia: Hala Bedi

Last week, EH Bildu and ERC forwarded to the Congress of Deputies the request to set up a committee of inquiry into the events of 3 March. The Bureau of Congress agreed to the request, and the next step is for the Board of Spokespersons: to discuss the decision and to vote on it. It has done so, and the position that has emerged has been to reject the proposal, which has been rejected. PSOE, PP, Vox and Citizens opposed the setting up of the committee of inquiry and defeated the position of EH Bildu, ERC, PNV, Unidas Podemos, JxC and Mas País in favor of the setting up of the committee of inquiry. In this case, the request shall not be addressed to the plenary session.

The March 3 Association called on political and social actors "to continue working on all fronts and effectively against the Spanish model of impunity", after the 76th anniversary of the massacre. That's why EH Bildu and ERC brought the petition to Congress. The rejection of the petition has been seen by some as an indicator of the unwillingness to investigate the massacre. EH Bildu Deputy, Mertxe Aizpurua, has today accused the Spanish Government and the Justice of once again turning their backs on the victims, in violation of their right to truth. This is what Berria says in one of his statements: "It has become clear, once again, that they have no interest in knowing and bringing to light all the truth, but that they want to keep hiding," he added.

The PSOE has made public its reasons for voting against the European Commission’s proposal. Party spokesman Héctor Gómez has pointed out that a commission is not the right tool to investigate what happened on March 3 and that "other mechanisms" must be sought for this. Apparently, they intend to talk among their party colleagues about "other possible alternatives" to law reform.

Association M3: "Fewer flowers and more activities"

Association 3 of March has asked the Socialist Party to explain publicly what these other possible alternatives are, angry that it rejected the request to set up a parliamentary committee. "What mechanisms are involved? This partnership has tried by all means, both at the political, judicial and institutional levels, as well as at the internal and international levels. And the attitude of the PSOE has always been ambiguous and contradictory as regards the knowledge of the truth, justice and reparation of the victims of the massacre. The PSOE has never had a clear political will to address the issue, recognize the violation committed by the State and debug responsibilities", reads in the reading on the decision they have made public.

The association denounces the "inconsistency and hypocrisy" of the PSOE for having brought flowers to the monolith of the deceased in the exercises of 3 March this year to hinder the right to truth, justice and reparation. They've asked the party for "less flowers and more facts."