Ten short films will compete in the official section, and nine in the MU section. The jury was composed of Alazne Amsoy, Paul Urkijo and Iratxe Fresneda. In addition to the possibility of seeing short films, other activities such as concerts, trikipoteo or workshops will take place for three days, among others. The festival will be held in the Zaraia room of Aretxabaleta and in the plaza of the Guipuzkoan village.
Mundukide Prize
This short film, supported by the Foundation for Cooperation of the same name, "best inserted in the fields of Human Rights and Social Justice", will receive the Mundukide Prize. In previous years, the Zulo de Amancay Gaztañaga or Before I die of Iker Esteibarlanda by Erika Olaizola have been awarded.
All the information from the festival, here.