On March 18, "There are no wind power plants in the mountains" in Azpeitia
  • Sañu Bizirik and Oleta have denounced that "the industrialisation of the mountains and rural areas, the loss of biodiversity, the landscape and the cultural heritage will be severely damaged". groups.
ARGIA @argia 2023ko martxoaren 17a
Irudian, Sañu Bizirik taldeak egindako aurreko mobilizazio bat.

The call for the demonstration states that "these are projects aimed at perpetuating the current predatory energy system that benefits energy companies. Against this background, we argue that renewable energies should be promoted on the basis of a decentralised and Community model, avoiding major infrastructures and significantly reducing energy consumption".

Sañu Bizirik and Obles-Ovina–Izaspi are taking various actions to request the suspension of wind power plant projects that Statkraft and Capital Energy want to install on Mount Sañoa and on the Obles-Samuri-Izaspi Mountains. the groups have convened the demonstration. They will depart at 19:00 in the afternoon from the square.