The Basque political prey Marta Igarriz Izeta has just left the prison in Logroño, where it has been received by family and friends, among others. This has been reported by the Naiz portal.
The prisoner of eta was transferred to the Riojana prison two years ago, as he was previously incarcerated in the Riojana town of Castellón for eleven years. His relatives suffered a traffic accident when they were visiting the site during Christmas 2017. Igarriz's mother broke her ribs and a cervical vertebra, and two others were crushed. Her aunt suffered damage to the breastbone and her sister, on the other hand, suffered several blows.
In contrast, Igarriz was ranked in the second grade and transferred to Logroño. Since then, he has had several prison permits. They do not want to grant conditional release despite having exceeded three-quarters of the sentence. The same is true of 80 other Basque political prisoners who should be released in 2020.
He was arrested by the National Police in Hernani in 2005, in a raid directed by the then judge of the Fernando Grande-Marlaska National Court. Two years later, he was tried and sentenced in an oral hearing against ETA's so-called "complex Donostia". He was questioned, among others, along with Igor González Sola, who recently died in Martutene prison.