Marta Harnecker, our anti-capitalist teacher
  • Most young readers will not be known Chilean Marta Harnecker. For those of us who were young and engaged in the struggles of our people in the 1960s and 1970s, however, he was an anti-capitalist teacher.
Juan Mari Arregi 2019ko ekainaren 20a
Marta Harnecker ARGIArentzat 2013an Sustrai Colinarekin egindako elkarrizketan (argazkia.: Dani Blanco / ARGIA)

He died on 15 June, but his death has reminded us of his life, his commitment and his teachings. Marta Harnecker left us 82 years old in Vancouver, Canada. The coup imposed by the Chilean dictatorship in Pinochet led him to exile, first to Cuba and then to Vancouver.

Journalist, psychologist, sociologist and economist, Harnecker was a revolutionary communist intellectual. In addition to writing books on Marxism, he fought militarily to free the People from the oppression of capitalism. For this reason, revolutionaries such as Castro, Chaves, Evo Morales, Maduro, as well as leaders of the labor and leftist movement of Europe and Euskal Herria, are aware of their ideas and intelligence; but above all, it must be remembered that it led an active, revolutionary and exemplary life of solidarity.

Harnecker was a disciple of the Marxist thinker Louis Althusser and thanks to his pedagogical capacity, many of us went to his work – especially “Basic concepts of historical materialism” (1969), “Capital: fundamental concepts” (1971) and “Peoples in arms” (1973) – to move in the field of national and class struggle. Their books and notebooks on popular education remain useful to all those who struggle to free themselves from capitalist oppression.

Harnecker can also be an anti-capitalist and supportive teacher to those of today, as it was for our generation. Thank you very much, Marta, goodbye.