Among the responses to Markel Olano’s words, the Oñati Zero Zabor partnership responded by comparing the two peoples: "Eibar, per person per year, created last year 209 kilos of mixed waste and, on the contrary, Oñati is one of the pioneers in generating 73".
Oñati was, after Usurbil, Hernani, Antzuola and Oiartzun, one of the first municipalities to collect Atez Ate residues and today continues to give some of the best results of Gipuzkoa. Meanwhile, Eibar, within the Debabarrena community, began selective collection last year but has not managed to leave the localities that "soplan" in the waste collection in Gipuzkoa, such as Debabarrena, which has always been controlled by the PSE and the PNV.
Besides being an oñatiarra, I am also a fan of Oñati, although some say so, Oñati is not dirty!! ! !#zaindumaiteduzunhori #xaukenaxauk #Oñati @BerbiaOnati
— Markel Irizar (@Markelirizar) May 19, 2019
On the other hand, Oñati has been one of the few municipalities that has been removed to a private road cleaning multinational, specifically to FCC, and remunicipalized. Then the Hernani City Hall would do the same. Now Oñati Zero Zabor has reproached Markel Olano who wants to dirty the results of this successful municipality, which in addition to cost less money to the city hall, have managed to create three new jobs and purchase a new machinery for cleaning the streets. "What bothers Olano? Anything other than FCC, whatever it is to offer a better service, recycle more and create more jobs, seems to bother, because its interest is that things go well for FCC."
Analysis of Markel Olano's words on Oñati
Markel Olano (PNV) goes to Oñati to say that "it's dirty." Then he goes to Eibar to say that... "Oñati is dirty." Let's look a little bit at Oñati and Eibar: ➡Let's start with socioeconomic conditions. Because of this, of course, Markel Olano can't talk about it, which goes wrong. Of the Gipuzkoan villages of between 10,000 and 40,000 inhabitants, Eibar has the highest unemployment rate (11.86%) and Oñati the lowest (5.82%). A 2016, the total personal income of 25,336€ for Oñati and 22,937€ for Eibar. Baina ez dago? ➡Let's go with the bone, which is cleanliness. Eibar generates 209 kilos of garbage per person per year Oñati, the leading municipality in recycling, "alone" 73. Is Eta zer annoying Markel Olano? Most importantly: until 2016 the municipal management of cleaning made FCC, that mafiosa company. It had 8 workers and a sweeper, and the service cost 567,311,67 € per year Oñati pay this service. Result: the first expensive year, the staff, the service or 402,627,85 €. It measures 3 more people, buy another sweeper, a truck and a pressure cleaning machine. Oñati, with a better service, spends 6,000 € less a year in municipal cleaning. And that's where the crux of the matter is: anything other than FCC, everything that's a better freedom, recycling more and creating more jobs can only bother anyone who has FCC doing well, right? By Galder González:
Posted by Gipuzkoa without incinerator on Sunday, May 19, 2019