The collective Marienia Ez Hunki has called for an act of occupation in farmland in Cambo (Lapurdi) for next weekend, in defence of the land of the people and against the speculation of housing. Amaia Beyrie, a member of the collective, explained at Tours Irratia that the natural disasters that have accentuated in recent times have made the need for farmland clearer. For example, in Kanbo there have been a lot of flooding and land absorbs water. "We have no choice, we have to save farmland," says the activist.
In addition to the lands of Marienia, there are other areas in danger of extinction in Cambo, such as the Left Wall and the parallel to Arnaga. The institutions have argued the need for housing, but Beyrie has explained that other projects are already underway to build a lot of houses and that it is not necessary to destroy farmland.
On Friday they will enter the Marienese lands, for which he has underlined the importance of having many people present. Until Sunday there will be talks, cultural events, demonstrations and meetings with agents of other peoples. They have as an example the popular movement of Arbona, but they have also invited representatives of different conflicts in the French state, "to feed the ways of doing".
The collective is clear that they will need political solutions and laws if they want to protect land. Therefore, the occupation must also serve to sensitize them. He believes that there are opportunities to be optimistic because the "legitimacy of lords and authorities" is increasingly being called into question.