The three detainees in defence of the lands of Mariene have been released, although they will be tried in February
  • The French police arrested three people on Wednesday in connection with the protests at the Kanbo People's House in April. Despite their release, they will be tried in February this year. With the support of the People's House, they have mobilized against the housing construction project of the Bouygues company.

Jenofa Berhokoirigoin @Jenofa_B 2024ko urriaren 03a
Marieneako lurren aldeko protesta bat, Kanbon. France 3 Euskal Herri

The three labortans arrested on Wednesday for the fight in defence of the lands of Marienea have been released at the end of this day. If they are released, they will have a trial in February. The arrests are related to the protest that took place at the local council meeting in Kanbo in April. On that day, dozens of citizens mobilized for the permanence of these lands in housing construction and not in cultivation. Among the blows between gendarmes, protesters and elected officials fell the mayor, Christian Deveze, and maintained harsh words of protest against the protesters who participated in the protest.

The intention of the Bouygues company to build houses in the farmland of the Marienia estate in Kanbo has led the neighbours to organize a broad movement against it. Demonstrations, occupations, symbolic acts, legal proceedings and petitions are undertaking different actions with the aim of paralyzing the project, but at the moment the mayor does not intend to withdraw.