Mari Jose Beaumont
"I'm not surprised to spy, the sewers have always been and are."
  • The Spanish police monitored Mari Jose Beaumont in 2015 when President Uxue Barkos appointed Minister of State, Public Service, Interior and Justice of the Government of Navarra.
Xabier Letona Biteri @xletona 2023ko martxoaren 03a
Beaumont kargua zin egin zuen 2015eko uztailean. Argazkia: EFE

The PP was then in the Spanish Government and Jorge Fernández Díaz was Minister of the Interior. It was February 22, 2015, just named Beaumont, and the Secretary of State of the Ministry of the Interior, Francisco Martínez WhatsApp, was exchanging messages with Enrique García Castaño, then head of the Central Operational Assistance Unit. This unit is responsible for telephone audits and follow-up. According to the information provided by the infoLibre portal, they referred to a number of vigilances and at one point the Secretary of State asked García about Beaumont:

“Do you hear about Bildu’s advisor in Navarre?”

“From Navarra, I ask. I advance him, it’s very clear,” replied the police chief.

“And your environment?” continues the secretary of state.

“I will look,” says the police.

Jorge Fernández Diaz, former minister on the left, and Francisco Martínez, secretary of state. Photo: EFE

Mari Jose Beaumont was a famous lawyer in Navarra, among other things because for years the Itoiz Coordinator had several disputes against the reservoir of the same name. EH Bildu did not officially join the government of change, but some counselors came to the Foral Government, including Beaumont, for their recommendation or approval.

Beaumont believes that the information now being presented is very serious and denounceable, but it is not surprising. He indicates that he has to see how the account is developed in the case of Kitch and that depending on it he will decide whether or not to start a legal activity. He asks why there is now a question known since 2015: “I conclude that my case was not something isolated. It is the area of the state sewers, they have always been and continue to be.”

Geroa Bai and EH Bildu have described as very serious spy and have called for clarification and responsibilities. EH Bildu has announced that Member Bel Pozueta is going to ask a number of questions in Congress to gather all the information on the matter and ask that it not happen again.

The actions of the Government of Spain are common in sewers. Last year the Pegasus case was well known, whereby the Spanish police spared Catalan and Basque independence politicians. They also imprisoned senior PSOE officials, including the government president, Pedro Sánchez, and the defense minister, Margarita Robles. However, when in the Spanish Congress several parties requested the establishment of a commission of inquiry on the issue, the PSOE, the PP and Vox rejected the petition. Now, the Spanish Anti-corruption Prosecutor’s Office has called for a 15-year sanction against former PP minister Fernández Díaz for the action in the case of Kitch.