Translate to Basque the book "Heptamerona" by Margarita de Navarra
  • Booktegi and the Atheneum of Navarra will return the classic work of the queen through 8 volumes. The first work will be at Booktegi, and on 2 October a public reading will be held at the Condestable of Pamplona/Iruña.
Iraitz Madariaga Etxebarria 2021eko ekainaren 30
Margarita Nafarroakoa. Argazkia: Jean Clouet

Booktegi and the Athenaeum of Navarre will translate to Euskera the classical work Heptamerona, by Margarita de Navarra, which has been translated into Basque. The book is composed of 72 short stories and was first published in French in 1558.

In total, they will collect the stories translated into eight volumes. Every year it will be translated into Euskera one of them, which will be published on the website of the Booktegi project. In addition, they will organise public readings once each volume has been edited. The first reading will take place on 2 October at the Condestable of Pamplona/Iruña.

The work will involve two translators and one corrector. The first volume has been translated by Fito Rodríguez and Xabier Artola and directed by Josu Zabaleta.

Renaissance work

The work of Margarita de Navarra is a classic work of the Renaissance. Collect love stories through the stories of five men and five traveling women isolated in an abbey.